Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Final Portfolio

Here is my final project that I did this year and it is my Star of David Box that I made in the second semester during my Senior Year.
I have worked on it for a long time even when I had to work on my VASE project it has take me a long time but I did get it done.
Here is my box of my Star Of David and also here is my lid that goes with it as well. I wanted to challenge myself to make something complicated and I did I did enjoy learning how to make different things in ceramics.
I have also put a lot of work on my box though out my year and I am proud of myself that I went beyond.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Natalie I commented on Natalie's ceramic's and she did a wonderful job on all of then.

Working on my Ceramic Portfolio

  I have not started on my ceramic portfolio yet because I am still working on my box that I am trying to finish so I can have it fired. I do know that I have, to post the things that I have done this second semester and when I do I will take a picture of my box, and some other things that I have done.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Starting Page

Here is my page that I did start on and now I finished it.
I do enjoy Subway sandwiches when I do have the chance to eat their.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Starting Page

Here is the page that I am little bit working on and the colors that I pick is light sky blue for the sky, the yellow represent the surf bard and the darker blue represent the water.
The Theme is of these colors is Teen Beach Movie and the movie suppose to be a show from the 1963 were the bikers and the surfers don't get along with each other.
Also the Bikers want's Big Mama and the Surfers also wants Big Mama as well then one of the surfers fell in love with a biker. Then when the surfer and a biker falls in love with each other then get towered apart with a Turf War.
Then when the bikers and surfer was okay with each other they desisted   to 
Finally ended up saving there friends who needed help to save them so the villains would not take over and destroy them all.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Finish Page

Here is my finish page that I just finished and each thing means somethings that I put.
This is what they each say.
Pop The Right Kind Of Top!
AHS Student Council reminds you of dangers associated with underage drinking! Choose non-alcoholic beverages this New Year!

I do have two ribbons that are ping and orange and they both represents type of cansure. I have bought two of them to support the people of overcome cansure .

I do have a Red ribbion that I got in class it represent to be DRUG FREE also it reminds us all not to drinking and do drugs to poison our body's, mind, children, and no one else that is trying to keep form doing drugs.

The last thing that I have on here is some candy. Mrs. Reed gave her class some candy some candy because some of us wore a College Shirt on College Day, so she gave the her students two candy's that who wore a College Shirt on College Day.

Sarting Page

Here is my page that I am working on and each ribbons that I have here means something different and I do have cuple of candy rapers that Mrs. Reed gave out to the students who wore a college shirts for college day.
I also have a part of a can coca cola can that my friend Kily Reed cave me because she did not want it and she thought I would like to have it.