Monday, October 14, 2013

Here is the frunt of my cup that I drew and this is some what up close shot. 
I do like my cup sense it is my first cup that I ever done in clay I do believe that when it gets fired and painted it would look really good.
It is my first cup that I might get to use for myself or I might even put on a shelf to look at.
I am exited for it to get done.

Here the second one that I took and it is little bit up close shot so you can see what it is.
I am thinking about fixing it were I don't have to many candles on it, when I draw it I put to many on it with out trying to and I have to fix it so it would look right.
So when I get in class tomorrow dearing second period  I'll fix it so it would look right instead of to many candles on it. 


  1. Nicely done it looks good. By the way what is the design on your cup?

    1. The design is a Menorah. It is the lamp stand that was used in the Temple in Jerusalem during the time of Moses all the way to Jesus' day. Though the Temple does not stand today, the Menorah is still used all over the world my Jews and non Jews who believe in all the Bible. Israel Flag has a star of David, but the real symbol is the Menorah, witch God told Moses to make for His Temple.
